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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Harkins

My Writer's Toolbox

An ordinary toolbox holds an array of tools, bolts, and supplies necessary to develop physical projects and crafts and is a vital necessity for the average handyman. But, a toolbox doesn’t necessarily have to solely refer to a box full of hardware and crafting tools. A toolbox can be classified in any shape or form as long as it contains the vital “tools” available for retrieval and use. In fact, writer’s make use of a toolbox to guide them during the writing process, and each toolbox is unique to one another. In my personal writer’s toolbox, I keep a variety of useful components and conventions that are utilizable when I write. Like an ordinary toolbox, my writer’s toolbox is filled with “tools” such as vocabulary, nouns, established grammar rules, adjectives, lists of genres, and the list goes on and on. All of these basic components are used every time I begin to write and guide me throughout the writing process. Furthermore, a useful tool found in my writer’s toolbox is a grammar app called “Grammarly Keyboard” which i use to track errors in my writing. This app has allowed me to improve my knowledge in grammar. To continue, I have a writer’s routine that I utilize before I begin every paper that I plan to write. The routine consists of brainstorming ideas, identifying my target audience, figuring out my main message, and creating a chart that briefly details what I plan to include within each paragraph to ensure organization and flow.

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